The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. – William Penn
Jealousy is bad! That is one major thing we have learnt from our 10 years journey. It doesn’t make one any better, rather can actually lead to ruination. There is no point envying the success rates of your competitors who are able to get sales through social media marketing that cost 1/10th of traditional advertising spends. They work hard and make their own fortune. Especially, when you are an integral part of highly-competitive real estate business, you are left with no choice, but to act digitally!
Check out how we help real estate developers get high-quality leads that convert into sales. Get a FREE consultation too.
Experiment With Different Social Media Strategies
Business in 2017 is no longer bound in the suit and briefcase. As a business owner, your wisdom is measured by your digitality. And the domain of real estate is no exception. Social media marketing is the recent hot favorite of real estate owners as it is not only cost effective but very much measurable.
But you see, just a mere digital presence is not sufficient. It has to be effective enough to set your business apart from the rest. The fact is social media strategies change pretty quickly. Being abreast of the real estate social media marketing trends, as a digital marketing agency, we find it important to guide you towards a strategy overhaul in sync with the latest social landscape.
Creating a Visual Experience Makes a Whole lot of Difference
We work with some of the largest real estate companies in Eastern India. Recently, one of them suddenly gave us a call, to organize a full-proof social media campaign for their most ambitious project. The client explained us, how vital the project was to them, and trusted our team with the responsibility.
Our team went through the project details, had a brainstorming session on what would really work and narrated our execution plan to the client. Geared up with the latest data in the market, we moved ahead with the execution. One of our innovations for this project was endorsing a visual projecting 360-degree view of the apartments on Facebook. We believed, this could be highly instrumental in creating user engagement. The client liked our entire planning and yes, it worked. The campaign reached more than 1 lakh people and received high conversion. Now, as a real estate owner or agent you might be having thousands of difficulties. One of them could be building engagement with your potential buyers online or generating qualified leads – we completely understand that. To help you win over the competition and hold an advantage over the real estate race here are a few expert tips.
‘Boost’ It or Forget It
You must choose quality over quantity. Gone are the days when you used to post 5-6 blogs or post a day. They are of no use, unless you produce stuff which are extremely impactful, to-the-point, and hold capacity to generate results. Plus, you also need to ‘boost’ / promoter your posts in order to reach maximum target buyers. It’s business folks, you need to pay and that too, smartly. All the leading social media platforms have transformed themselves into some kind of AD platforms.
But, social media AD platforms work differently than the traditional ones. The paid reach of your Ads primarily depend on the ‘quality’ of the content. Through their own algorithm, Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Linkedin determines the quality score for every AD that is run on their network. So, better the quality of your content is, bigger your reach is. So, it’s extremely important that your Ads are not boring, monotonous, or solicit too much of ‘buy-me’ stuff!
One small example will be adding in communications that feature 80% of lifestyle tips and 20% real estate, together with what you can offer. Talk about the nearby restaurants, and about how easily home furnishing can be done.
Do Not Ignore the Millennials
Did you know about millennials? Well, millennials are the one who were born between 1982 and 2000. How is it linked to your business? Many real estate developers have this common misperception that they are too young to go for house buying; in reality, they are your most potential customers! So, keep an eye on these millennials, what are they preferring, what are they following etc. Won’t you be interested in getting these millennials their affordable home-sweet-home at one of your properties?
Here’s a secret! Nearly two-thirds of these millennials use Instagram on their smartphones. So, getting your properties featured there will prove to be a smart move indeed!
Videos Bursting Riches
The popularity of videos as a marketing medium is skyrocketing each year. Live videos – the shorter bursts of video content are gaining exceeding popularity with Facebook. Other social media platforms like Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Periscope have come up with superb video marketing options. From video ad-s to animated GIF-s, videos are totally in! You can have a question-answer session with your viewers while taking a walk through your property and get it published live! Or better yet why not post a video of how amazing the property looks during sunrise or sunset! Videos rock!
So, folks, it’s time you stop thinking, start doing. Any query, any doubt, any trouble – feel free to get in touch with us for a free consultation. We would love to offer your real estate business, its best business year.